Thatz Me !!

Thatz Me !!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Will Be There For U .....!!

I feel your pain, yet all pain is self-inflicted. So if all pain is self-inflicted, how, you may ask, do I feel your pain?

Ah, the answer is as simple as the question, for the answer came even before the question. There is nothing you can feel, nothing you can accomplish without Me, for there is nothing I can be, feel or accomplish without you. 

Herein lies the gift we hold for each other. At times, you might think this is not true, yet aren't those the times when you are at your loneliest?.

 Be lonely, my mate, for that is your choice, but understand that you have chosen it and understand that you feel lonely, not because you are alone, but because you think you are. There is one thing that I know, feel and live, from the grandest of ballrooms to the smallest crevices in my heart. You may feel lonely but you are never alone. 

Simply remember this: You are never alone for I Am always with you. Choose to feel Me in the silence and I Am there, let Me cover you and no rain shall touch your head, not even in the grandest of storms, when you remember that I Am with you......!!!!

\m/ " P E A C E "

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